Changements de logos

Le logo de Tenerife S’affirme



La plus grande île de l’archipel des Canaries en Espagne, le destination touristique Tenerife arbore un logo revisité aux codes ensoleillés et adolescents. Le mime du smiley heureux, que l’on retrouve dans le drapeau historique de l’île, associé à une typographie presque geek, full capitales, crée un ensemble étonnant réuni par une couleur jaune orangée plutôt douce. Le ton est donné : fiesta et vida en majuscules.
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« With the establishment of a new focus on the development of the work in order to get a simplification of processes and results, FutureBrand has tackled the project from the realization of a diagnosis to evaluate the existing gaps between the reality of the Island and the perception of its different targets. That has allowed them to detect the necessity of linking the new strategy to the warm, natural and human personality of Tenerife, identifying a strategic territory that picks up its values and communicate them with a new claim. “Tenerife 100% Life refers to the differential elements from the Island from a very emotional point of view”, déclare Cristina Vicedo. L’identité a été conçue par Futurebrand.Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic


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